About Wonny
Wonny works at the transdisciplinary nexus of Wellbeing, Business, Architecture, Science, Behavioural Psychology, Metaphysics, and Spirituality. Integrating the natural, social and health sciences in a humanities context transversing traditional boundaries.
She is trained as a Behavior Change Strategist (Gedragsveranderaar), Martha Beck life coach, and Tibetan Medicine Counselor. A practitioner in BioGeometry (design of harmony in environments), the Eden Method (Eden Energy Medicine), Shamanic Medicine and Medicinal Qigong. She is also trained as a facilitator in Sociocracy and Nonviolent communication.
Wonny was born in Suriname (South America), grew up Chinese-Dutch and lived several years in Taiwan, Japan, China and Hong Kong. Currently, she is based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands with occasional travels to Asia.
Her work experiences include banking, corporate, government, NGO's, academia and entrepreneurs.
In pursuit of valuing life. ​​​​​​​ Wonny Tjon​
About Lynn
Lynn is an experienced International Certified Practitioner of
Energetic Body Work and has been teaching for more than 50 years. She is based in Austria.
She worked as a Dance, Yoga and Qigong teacher, sport instructor, personal trainer and masseuse.
She teaches about our own energy, breath, movement, sound, meditation, awareness and visualisation for self-healing. Her Shamanic teachings have guided her to expand, share and reach out to Mother Earth and all sentient beings to help bring more healing and energy awareness to our world.
Throughout her life she has enjoyed sharing her experience and knowledge to various cultural groups and individuals around the world. ​​
Lynn Geertsen-Rowe

About sofie
sofie is a somatic movement facilitator and coach rooted in eco somatics, Nordic animism and kincentric leadership based in Malmö, southern Sweden.
She works in the intersection of sociocracy and somatics, supporting deeper connection, efficiency, participation, and mission fulfillment.
Working primarily with cooperatives, grassroots movements, NGO’s, and creatives, as well as individuals, sofie supports with putting the vision in the center, transforming unhealthy patterns and crafting organizations that are both accountable and fun.
sofie is co founder of sociokrati.nu a Nordic network for sociocracy education and collaboration, and currently teaches at their course in foundational sociocracy.
She has co-founded Respons, an organization committed to supporting organizations move from reactiveness to responsiveness and building healthy cultures.
​sofie malm
About Suzan
Suzan is a community advocate, researcher and a circular economist, supporting movements across East Africa. She is based in Uganda.
She consults civil society, international grant making organisations and INGOs grassroots community projects. Her specialisations are in strategy, education, agriculture, nonviolent communication and governance.
She works with smallholder farmers in Lira, practising regenerative agriculture and incorporating natural medicines in farming systems to boost nutrition and increase local food sovereignty.
Suzan is the Wellbeing Economy Alliance Hub Lead. And she is the founder of The Fireplace, a network of indigenous women supporting healing and independence amongst Lango women in Lira, Uganda.
Suzan Joy

About Alison
Alison is passionate about people. She has over 25 years experience in the business world, having worked as a Board level executive and earlier as a consultant for various global businesses including Philips Electronics and PwC Consulting. She is based in the Netherlands.
She has a BSc in Mathematics, Operational Research and Economics. She is a certified Co-Active Coach and a Clinical Practitioner in Eden Energy Medicine.
Alison has worked across all parts of the value chain and in different industries including, manufacturing, banking and telecoms. Alison’s strengths are in developing leaders, managing high performing teams, facilitation and reducing complexity.
She believes in bringing out the inner wisdom in everyone so that they can navigate their world with ease.
Alison Moncrieff
About Clare
Dr. Clare Willocks is a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in the NHS, a Clinical Practitioner in the Eden Method. She is based in Scotland.
Her other roles have been National Obstetric Lead (2016-2019), for the Maternity and Children’s Quality Improvement Collaborative, Healthcare Improvement Scotland, Labour Ward Lead and secretary to the British Society of Biopsychosocial Obstetrics and Gynaecology, a Specialist Society of the RCOG.
She completed the Leading the Future Programme and has an active Interest in Inspiring Leadership, Multi-professional Training and the self care of health professionals.
Clare believes that we need healthy teams with a sense of coherence, who are not just passive employees within the system but engage with it.
'We need to take responsibility for the impact we can have, and how we can influence positive health outcomes in our daily work.'
Dr. Clare Willocks