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To go Beyond Convention

Be a better leader for your people, your organisation and yourself by changing its energy and thinking beyond conventional methods, structures and cultures


'No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.' – Albert Einstein

Creating trust and value-based quality decisions, renders people and organisations with a competitive advantage in effectiveness and achieving shared objectivesenhancing overall performance and life quality.  We provide effective, natural and simple inspirational solutions to handle stressful situations to be able to function beyond imagined capacity. 

Welcome to Spirited@Work

What we do


To gain more clarity and make better decisions, to be able to transform stressful and unhealthy situations into environments that are more conducive to creativity and innovation with positive, purpose-led, energetic people. 


We design Custom-Made programmes to inspire and empower Leaders in Self Awareness and Self Care to go beyond the boundaries of convention.


We teach simple techniques to get more focus, clarity and efficiency, which can be used in your professional and your private life. Like a personal trainer we help train you to be able to reach your full potential.

Changing the energy you bring | Self awareness | Self care | Better quality of decision making | Inspiring people to achieve shared objectives  Creating trust and organisational effectiveness | Creating positive environments where teams and departments can thrive

Our Approach

We train leaders in techniques based on ancient traditions from Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, life coaching and mindfulness, so they can  develop deeper connections with their teams, build trust and maintain focus in their work and lives optimising productivity.


Works on the cognitional and emotional aspect. Re-patterning thoughts and limiting beliefs, dissolving and transforming them into positive, purposeful actions.

Eden Energy Medicine

Works on the physical, emotional and energetic aspect. Simple acupressure-based techniques regulate the energy flow in the body for optimal health in body, mind, heart, soul and spirit.

Wonny held a great space for me to find my own answers to important issues in life. She has a perfect balance between guiding the process and letting the natural way unfold.

Sometimes my mind with its preconceived ideas would stop and a great presence and true intimacy could be revealed.

To unknot the seemingly fixed patterns of the mind and allow space to enter is truly beautiful.

Lots of gratefulness to Wonny, a beautiful soul with effective tools.”

— Johan Svanvorg, Borntorpet Sweden

I have always thought I can solve my own problems, it never occurred to me that I needed life coaching. Wonny made it necessary. She guides you to acknowledge, to reflect and face yourself. Sometimes, when you feel lost, you don’t necessarily need others to solve your problems for you, you just need someone like Wonny who can show you where the end of the tunnel is.”

— Lisa Lee, Vienna, Austria

“I met Wonny when I was going through some major transitions in my life and my business as an entrepreneur. It was a very fortuitous meeting as Wonny offered to coach me when I really needed it and did not even realize it myself. Through patient listening and a lot of guidance Wonny taught me to see the thought and behavior patterns that were holding me back in my work and relationships. The techniques she shared will continue to be useful throughout my life and can be applied to many situations. Thank you Wonny for working with me and I am very glad to have met you!”

— An American Entrepreneur, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

What we are about
Who we are

Meet Your Team


Wonny Tjon


Xhawina zweden

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Wendy HuynH

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Alison Moncrieff

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Dr. Clare Willocks

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Self Awareness & Discovery ​

Recognise cognitive bias, (self) sabotage, thoughts, emotions and behaviour that do not serve you

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Emotional Intelligence

Awareness of emotions, 

Balance between right and left brain - mind & heart

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of Action

Accessing wisdom from within & doing the right thing for the greater good

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Spirited@Work KVK 70127425 | City Rotterdam


© 2020 by Wonny Tjon

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